How to Create the Best Dating Description: A How To Guide

How to Create the Best Dating Description on your Online Profile

Learn how to write a good dating profile and avoid common mistakes. Discover tips to describe yourself effectively and attract the right kind of people.

How to Create the Best Dating Description: A How To Guide

Creating an Online Dating Description: A How To Guide

Describing yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do. Putting yourself on display is a close second. The problem is that the same self that is doing the describing, it also the one that is being described. While this probably conjures images of snakes swallowing their own tail, and rightfully so, it also conjures a sense of existential dread that has disabled some of the most brilliant philosophers in human history. So if you're wondering how to write a good dating profile, one key to making this process is work, is to avoid describing yourself entirely.

How To Describe Yourself Without Describing Yourself

Are you cynical? Do you have a dry wit? Do you like jokes about poop? Are you really into working out? What are your hobbies? What do you do for a living? What are your hopes and dreams? How do you see yourself in 10 years? What are your politics like? What are you looking for in a relationship? Do you like to travel? Where have you traveled? Do you play any sports? What do you like to read? What are your favorite TV shows? What kind of movies do you like? What is your average day like? What do you do with your friends on the weekend? Questions like these all successfully avoid the necessity of describing yourself. Instead, you describe the things that important to you, while bringing out the traits of your own personality to the fore. Are you a positive person? Then it will be easy for you to sound positive when you're describing the things that you like. If you have a dry wit, then it will be easy for you to bring that out when you're describing these things. What you don't want to do is get writer's block trying to figure out the perfect way to pitch yourself, which is so often what happens to folks when they're asked to write a short personal summary.

Two Instances of Bad Dating Profiles

Bad Online Dating Description: I'm A 24 Year Old Female With the Clap

Being honest with your partner about STDs or mental health issues is important, and many folks are going to be very forgiving of such things once they realize what a catch they have, but you don't need to advertise every negative thing about yourself in your profile. You can be honest and truthful about what you want, but no one is honest and truthful about who they are, unless they're perfect or stupid.

Bad Online Dating Profile Idea: No Fatties or Larva; No Basement Monsters

Needless to say, being a total snark in your profile is probably not a great idea. Attracting the right kind of people is an art form, but that art form is not Brutalism. If you're not interested in low motivation pot smoker types who are contented to work at the mall for the rest of their life, you can successfully affect this by describing yourself as career oriented. Pot-smoking-mall-guy will correctly assume that you are not interested in him, and move on to 420-friendly club girl. All acting douchey in your profile will get you is humiliation. There are scores of websites out there that post the worst and nastiest profiles they find on the web. So saving yourself the effort by focusing on what you do want instead of what you don't want will be the key to success here.